Results of May 31 Boise Neighborhood Spring Cleanup

This year I organized the Boise Neighborhood Spring Cleanup, for the first time (I had actually never heard of Cleanups prior to this year - but learned that just about all Portland neighborhoods do them every spring). The event was amazingly successful and I wanted to also share the results of our effort:

  • 16 volunteers, including 4 high school youth
  • ~90 households served
  • 4 elderly or disabled people served
  • Alleyway cleanup done by two truck crews
  • Community Warehouse took a truck of reusable items
  • Tons of other people took stuff from the Free Pile
  • 6 full dropboxes of mixed waste, all comped by Metro
  • 24 lbs of batteries recycled by Total Reclaim (TR)
  • Almost a ton of e-waste recycled by TR
  • 25 lbs of lightbulbs recycled by TR
  • 175 lbs of styrofoam recycled by TR
  • 2 truckloads donated to Rebuilding Center
  • Two huge truckloads of scrap metal given to local recycler (neighbor and volunteer)
  • Over $1,000 raised for the Boise neighborhood's funds for improvement projects and future events!

Those are some impressive statistics!! I am really pleased with the results. It was a very rewarding day, and I couldn't have done it without help from lots of people. 

And now, for the chaser... 

Hey, have you ever noticed how the sidewalk trash cans on Mississippi are kinda.. gross? Covered in graffiti and gunk? Well, I've put together another "clean and green" event to clean up our street trash cans, as well as remove graffiti on directional signs and private property (with permission). It's next Saturday, August 16, from 9-12. The Facebook event is here and it explains how the event will go, why this is necessary, and what the future plans for the trash cans are. I plan to promote this to the businesses as well. The City will provide refreshments before and after the cleanup, as well as all cleaning supplies. 

So, if you are interested, I would LOVE to have your help! This work is super needed, and it just won't get done unless some awesome volunteers (like you?) make it happen. If you also want to get involved in what the future trash cans will be like, and making THAT happen, I would also love to talk with you.

Please pass this volunteer opportunity along to whoever you think may be interested - neighbors, family, friends, coworkers, etc. I will cross-promote it on Facebook to our neighborhood and business pages and on Nextdoor. Thank you!!

Katy Wolf

Safety and Livability