BNA General/LUTC Meeting
Meeting agenda:
Welcome & Introductions
New Business
PBOT update on the Boise and Eliot Parking Management Plan
Drivers Union OR-Fair Pay Coalition Presentation
Neighborhood Notices
1037 N Mason St - Accessory Short Term Rental Permit Renewal
3835 N Borthwick Ave - Accessory Short Term Rental Permit
4200 N Albina Ave - Accessory Short Term Rental Permit
Board Business:
Treasury Report
Discuss BNA Budget for the year
Discuss Prismagic Payment from last August
Committee Updates (Brief): Boise Voice, Air Quality, Dumpster Day, POP, Flier Delivery, Dog Park
PBOT Grant Funded to study Kerby Ramp Truncation
BNA Planning Retreat Meeting
In January, the Board meets to plan for the year.
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
Welcome & Introductions
New Business/Last Meeting Follow-up
Presentation on the health effects of wood smoke and about our wood smoke ordinance.
Crime Report
Updates from the last meeting
Board Business:
Vote in new Board Members: Connor
Treasury Report
Plan for January Retreat
501 (c)(3) update
Record of Vote to mail Boise Voice
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
Meeting agenda:
Welcome & Introductions
New Business/Last Meeting Follow-up
Discuss Transportation Safety Needs for PBOT to Address
Discuss Containment Strategies for invasive Tree of Heaven
Updates from Clean Air PDX and PPB missions at Failing/Rodney intersection
Board Business:
Vote in new Board Members: David and Connor
Secretary & Treasurer Positions Open
Treasury Report
Record of Vote to Incorporate with SOS
Applied for NECN Communications Grant
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
Welcome and introductions
Visit from PPB Traffic Division Officer
Oregon Clean Air PDX: Update on air pollution in Boise
Board Business
Vote on: Secretary Position, IE4A, Updated Bylaws
Treasury Report
Transportation Update
Neighborhood Notices
4008 N Kerby Ave - Accessory Short Term Rental Permit
3834 N Michigan Ave - Accessory Short Term Rental Permit
3938 NE Cleveland Ave - Accessory Short Term Rental Permit
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
6:45 - Social Time
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:10 - New Business
Discuss planting wildflower garden at freeway offramp island - Carolyn
Discuss ways the BNA can support IE4A
Community Concern/Request for white stop line at Rodney/Failing intersection
Oregon Clean Air: Update on air pollution in Boise - Greg Bourget
Potential Collaboration with Lewis & Clark College Environmental Studies, Spring 2025
8:00 - Neighborhood Notices
4067 B N Haight Ave - Short Term Rental Permit
4219 N Albina Ave - Type B Vacation Rental Permit
8:10 - Community Events
Boise Neighborhood Yard Sale - September 28. Register now to add your yard sale to the neighborhood map!
First Friday Art Walk - September 6. Meet at Mason Apts on Williams Ave. A digital map and in-person guided tour is offered between 6-8 pm.
Boise Parking Management Plan Meeting - Sept 10, 6-7:30
Mississippi Ave FREE Ice Cream Social! September 12, 5-6pm
Kairos Fundraiser - September 12. Shop at participating businesses on Mississippi Ave, 10% of proceeds go to Kairos.
THE SALVAGE SHOWDOWN - September 19th from 6-8pm for food, drink, live music and one-of-a-kind builds! At the Rebuilding Center
Neighborhood Cleanup - Sept 21, 10am @ Unthank Park. We have the supplies, we just need you! Meet at the playground area.
November 11 - The 2024 Portland Veterans Day Parade will honor and celebrate the men and women who have served our country. You can find out more information, contact the committee, and sign up to participate at Veterans Day Portland.
8:20 - Announcements
Shela Pennington is a graduate student at Portland State University is completing a research project to provide perspective on elements that unite and inspire communities. Shela, in partnership with United Way, has created a 10 min survey to help her research. She’d love neighbor participation!
8:25 - Open Comment
8:30 - Board Business/Last Meeting Follow-up
Vote: BNA to apply for 501c3 nonprofit status
Need Venmo account for BNA
Add donation link to BNA
Update on neighborhood mailing list for Boise Voice
How to reach more neighbors: Can we mail an intro to BNA to new neighbors?
POP Review
Yard Sale Update
8:55 - Treasury Report
Review accounts receivable/payable for the last quarter
Have all vendors been paid for POP event?
9:00 - Adjourn
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
6:45 - Meet & Greet
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:10 - New Business
Elections of BNA Board of Officers
8:00 - Neighborhood Notices
3916 N Gantenbein Ave - Accessory Short-Term Rental Permit
4216 N Mississippi Ave - Accessory Short-Term Rental Permit
8:10 - Community Events
Williams Ave First Thursdays Art Walk - June 6, 6pm @ The Mason Williams. See local artwork showing at small businesses on this tour. Meet at the Mason Williams lobby.
Neighborhood Cleanup - June 15, 10am @ Unthank Park. We have the supplies, we just need you! Meet at the playground area.
BNA Community Board Game Night - Thursday, June 27 6:30-9pm @ Stormbreaker Brewing outdoor patio. Bring a friend and meet your neighbors!
8:20 - Announcements
Boise Parking Study Meeting - June 4, 6-8:00pm. Hybrid Meetings are open to the public at the Rebuilding Center. Agenda & Zoom link Boise Parking Plan Stakeholder Advisory Committee Meeting
8:25 - Open Comment
8:30 - Board Business/Last Meeting Follow-up
Boise Voice Recap
Dumpster Day, Recycle & Swap Recap
POP - Update
Yard Sale - Update
Slack - Community chat channel has been created
Discuss engagement with community police officers
Form Logo subcommittee
9:00 - Adjourn
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
13 MAY 2024 / 7:O0 PM
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:10 - New Business
Prism Health - Integrated behavioral health and primary care clinic opening at 15 Morris Ave in Eliot.
8:00 - Neighborhood Notices
Filming Notice in the Neighborhood May 7, 8, 15
3805 N Missouri Ave - Short Term Rental Renewal Notice
3634 N Michigan Ave - Short Term Rental Permit
3243 N Michigan Ave - Short Term Rental Renewal Notice
8:10 - Community Events
Neighborhood Cleanup - May 18, 10am @ Unthank Park. We have the supplies, we just need you!
BNA Community Board Game Night - Thursday, May 30 6:30-9pm @ Stormbreaker Brewing outdoor patio. Bring a friend and meet your neighbors! Learn more here
Dumpster Day, Recycle & Swap Event - June 2, 12-3pm @ SEI Parking Lot (3920 N Kerby Ave) Accepting bulky non hazardous waste and and certain items to be recycled (more details to come). There will be a swap area for donating reusable items. Donations encouraged, but not required. See YES/NO GUIDE for items accepted by the dump and recycling. Not everything is accepted! Please review guide before lugging big items to the event.
8:20 - Announcements
Help Deliver Fliers! We would love a couple more volunteers to deliver fliers for future BNA events. Sign up for just one block from Fremont to Skidmore to ease the load. See details here
Boise Parking Study Meeting - May 7, 6-7:30pm. Hybrid Meetings are open to the public at the Rebuilding Center. Boise Parking Plan Stakeholder Advisory Committee Meeting
86th Annual Royal Rosarian Rose Garden Contest - Free to enter for all Portland area residents.
Host an ACES International Student This Summer - Learn More
ReBuilding Center recently launched a new Home Repair for All (HRA) program. HRA works with low-income homeowners, providing free home repair classes and building materials, as well as other tools and resources to help homeowners perform safe and affordable home maintenance and repairs.
8:25 - Open Comment
8:30 - Board Business/Last Meeting Follow-up
Vote in new board members - Edward and Mary Powers, Jessica Vaughan
Refreshed BNA logo discussion and possible vote.
Updates from committees
Dumpster Day, Recycle & Swap Event
Game Night
Yard Sale
Printed Newsletter update
New location update
9:00 - Adjourn
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:10 - New Business
Special Neighborhood Emergency Team information Night
The Boise neighborhood does not have an active NET. Let's change that!
Learn about the free trainings available from PBEM:
90 minute BEECN
Affiliated NET Support
Certified NET member (Next class starts May 4!)
* Plus learn how to prepare a disaster kit for your home *
8:15 - Neighborhood Notices
3834 N Michigan Ave - Short Term Accessory Rental Permit
4124 N Albina - Short Term Accessory Rental Permit
4126 NE Cleveland Ave - Short Term Accessory Rental Permit
3714 N Williams Ave - Short Term Accessory Rental Permit
8:20 - Community Events
BNA Community Board Game Night! April 19, 6:30-9pm @ Stormbreaker Brewing. Bring a friend and meet your neighbors! Learn more here
Boise Eliot Native Grove 7th Annual EARTH DAY WORK PARTY! Help rebuild the willow wattle fence, spread wood chips, weed, trim and more! Register here
Earth Day Neighborhood Cleanup! April 21, 1pm @ Unthank Park. We have the supplies, snacks and drinks for volunteers. Please RSVP here
8:25 - Announcements
Help Deliver Fliers! Just four more blocks need volunteers to deliver fliers for future BNA events. See details here
Boise Parking Study Meeting - May 7, 6-8pm. Meetings are open to the public. Boise Parking Plan Stakeholder Advisory Committee Meeting
8:25 - Open Comment
8:30 - Board Business/Last Meeting Follow-up
Discuss creating printed newsletter
Discuss updating BNA logo
Updates: Monthly Game Night, Dumpster event, POP Planning, Neighborhood Yard Sale.
Does any board member want to be the Champion for the BNA? The District 2 Transition team is looking for a liaison from each NA. Champions Role & Expectations
9:00 - Adjourn
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
Welcome & Introductions
Last Meeting Follow-up
Updates: NNO Planning, Monthly Game Night, Neighborhood Yard Sale, Dumpster event, Summer Concert and more!
Looking for volunteers to deliver fliers for future BNA events. See details here
New Business
Presentation about the City of Portland's transition to a new election system and form of government.
Energy Trust & Home Performance Guild: Presentation about government program incentives to help update homes to be climate resilient and efficient.
Neighborhood Notices
3736 N Albina Ave - Short Term Rental Permit
4069 N Albina Ave. - Short Term Rental Permit
4032 N Missouri Ave - Short Term Rental Permit
Community Events
BNA Community Board Game Night! March 22, 6:30-9pm @ Stormbreaker Brewing. Bring a friend and meet your neighbors! RSVP and learn more here.
Native Plant Sale through March 24: Fill your garden with climate friendly native plants for great prices! Learn more here
Boise Parking Study Meeting - April 2, 6-8pm: Virtual meetings are open to the public. Boise Parking Plan Stakeholder Advisory Committee Meeting | PBOT Boise Parking Study Summary
Concert in the Park - August 2 at Unthank Park, LaRhonda and Lo Steele. Food vendors TBD
Open Comment
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:05 - Last Meeting Follow-up
Updates from lasts month’s planning meeting and new committees:
What was learned when talking to neighbors about the neighborhood and BNA?
National Night Out/Community Party Planning Updates - Peter, Edward, Kathleen
Community Engagement Plan - Ben, Zack, Edward, Mary
Game night venue and dates chosen!
Communications plan - Ben, Jen
Neighborhood bike ride - Ted
Cleanup Miss Ave De-mucking Event Highlights - Jen
7:45 - New Business
Need: Secretary to take notes during meetings.
Discuss best ways to fundraise and use current funds.
NECN Communications grant is available.
The AARP Community Challenge Is On! Grant funding is available for local governments and nonprofits that are eager and ready to work on a community-improving project that can be started and completed before year’s end. Application Deadline: March 6, 2024, 2 p.m.
Propose organizing a community garage sale/dumpster event weekend.
Cleanup sidewalks/ADA ramps for a fee/fundraise?
8:15 - Neighborhood Notices
4036 N Gantenbein Ave - Short Term Rental Permit Renewal
8:15 - Community Events
Mardi Gras Parade! - Feb 13, 7-8:30pm on Mississippi Ave. Come out and join the fun!
BNA Community Board Game Night! First Event is February 16, 6:30-9pm @ Stormbreaker Brewing. Bring a friend and meet your neighbors! RSVP and learn more here.
8:25 - Announcements
Homeownership Retention & Repair Program at Portland Community Reinvestment Initiatives. This grant program is for homeowners 55+ who earn under 80% of AMI and reside within Portland city limits. More info here
Boise Parking Study Meeting - Feb 6, 6-7:45pm
Meetings are open to the public. February Boise Parking Plan Stakeholder Advisory Committee Meeting | Meeting Agenda | PBOT Boise Parking Study Summary
Join a Parking Study Working Group or the Committee - by Feb 11
Sign up here.
The public is invited to comment on proposed changes to the residential garbage and recycling administrative rules. Email comments to; the deadline is 12 p.m. on February 8, 2023.
8:20 - Open Comment
8:30 - Adjourn

BNA General/LUTC Meeting
- All are welcome! -
Monday, January 8th, 7pm
@ NEW SEASONS in person only!
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:10 - New Business
Planning for the year. What should the BNA focus on this year?
Everyone is welcome! Bring your ideas!
Snacks and beverages will be provided.
Engage neighbors to create community
Help improve the neighborhood, safety, community, cleanups, etc.?
Host a garage community garage sale?
Host a dumpster event?
Improve communications to neighbors?
Host a National Night Out party?
Fill all Board positions
Get more community engagement?
Improve the newsletter
Encourage new businesses to move into open store fronts?
Your ideas!
Can't make it, but have an idea? Email
8:30 - Adjourn
Neighborhood Notices
4134 N Borthwick Ave - Accessory Short Term Rental Permit
4152 NE Cleveland Ave - Accessory Short Term Rental Permit
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:05 - Last Meeting Follow-up
Owen - Letter of support for the 3606 MLK property.
7:30 - New Business
Discuss how the BNA can improve pedestrian safety.
Discuss Board Retreat planning meeting.
8:00 - Neighborhood Notices
3616 N Commercial Ave - Accessory Short Term Rental Permit
8:10 - Announcements
Support Small Businesses this Holiday Season! Shop Small, Win Big ends Dec 10.
Multnomah County is looking for new temporary severe weather shelter sites in areas of high need to ensure our most vulnerable community members have a safe place to stay during severe weather events such as snow storms and heatwaves. Sites would be compensated.
Have you spotted a car parked in front of a crosswalk, fire hydrant, or driveway?
Let Portland Bureau of Transportation (PBOT) know! Call the parking enforcement line at 503-823-5195. Follow the prompts, and be ready with location, car make, and license plate.
8:20 - Open Comment
8:30 - Adjourn
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:05 - Last Meeting Follow-up
Engagement with SEI about possibly suggesting EV parking stalls around Unthank Park.
624-638 N Beech St update
7:30 - New Business
Board to vote in new member - Ben Seigel
Update: Utility poles blocking sidewalks off Vancouver Ave.
Portland City Council approves organizational structure for new form of government. Where do NAs fit in?
8:00 - Neighborhood Notices
4128 N Kerby Ave: Type B Home Occupation Permit
3606 NE MLK Jr Boulevard Apartments: Design Advice Request, Overview pg 1, pg 2
8:10 - Announcements
PBOT is Recruiting New Members for the Portland Pedestrian Advisory Committee. Apply here by November 19
Nov 28, 6-8pm: Boise Parking Committee Meeting
Meetings are open to the public. This virtual meeting we will discuss survey data from residents, visitors and employees.
Monthly Neighborhood cleanup: Will be on pause during the cold, rainy months. We’ll start back up when it warms up.
8:20 - Open Comment
8:30 - Adjourn
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:05 - Last Meeting Follow-up
HMBA/WVBA/BNA collaboration safety update
624-638 N Beech St update - Properties were removed from city foreclosure list
7:30 - New Business
Hannah Morrison - PBOT to present EV Charging in the Public Right-of-Way
Tiffany Mancillas - East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District’s free fall nature workshop series are here! They offer free workshops ranging from Creating an Edible Landscape to Water Conservation. More information and sign-up:
David Burnell - Candidate for Portland City Council
Office of Civic Life / Proposed New Organization Structure. This new chart is a draft and is subject to change.
8:00 - Neighborhood Notices
731 753 N Russel St: Notice of Demolition
8:10 - Announcements
Oct 8, 12-3pm: Join the Boise Eliot Native Grove Fall Clean-Up Work Party to do basic maintenance, tidy up loose ends, litter patrol, cover up some graffiti and generally make it ready for the winter. If you can make it out, we'd love to see you. You can register here at Solve.
Oct 17, 5:30-7:30pm: Boise Parking Committee Meeting. Meetings are open to the public. This meeting we will meet in person and walk the neighborhood to look at congested areas. Meet at The Rebuilding Center Offices.
October 21, 9am: Monthly Neighborhood cleanup! Meet at Unthank Park. We have buckets, trash bags, grabbers and gloves!
Nov 11, 10am: Portland Veterans Day Parade organizers are seeking sponsors, participants (people/organizations/community groups to march in the parade), and volunteers to help on the day of the parade. You can find more information or sign up online at Portland Veterans Day Parade | Oregon (
8:20 - Open Comment
8:30 - Adjourn
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:05 - Last Meeting Follow-up
Ted - Draft letters of support for 32 NE Fremont St and 3952 N Williams
Danny - Comments on the PEMO response
Ted - Report poor sidewalks on Mississippi Ave
7:30 - New Business
Discuss how the neighborhood and BNA can support local businesses and neighbors.
8:00 - Neighborhood Notices
4219 N Albina Ave - Type-B ASTR permit
8:10 - Announcements
September 7 - Shop on Mississippi Ave to Raise Money for Kairos School!
Kairos is an amazing school here in this community. It is a K-5 Learning Academy Public Charter School "utilizing culturally responsive practices to cultivate full student engagement”, and “believing that attacking systemic racism is essential to achieving our mission and we are passionate about being voices of change in our city”.
The ReBuilding Center is teaming up with the African American Alliance for Homeownership (AAAH) to perform critical home maintenance and repairs for homeowners living with low incomes in north and northeast Portland.
We are looking for as many as 100 volunteers to join us on September 9th as we spend the day working on projects such as porch repair, yard work, gutter cleaning, debris removal, and more!
Lunch is included!
Sign up here.
Neighborhood Cleanup: Saturday, Sept 16. Meet @ Unthank Park, 9am. We have buckets, trash bags, grabbers and gloves!
The Soul District Business Association is hosting its 12th annual MLK Dream Run weekend celebration on Saturday and Sunday September 16 & 17, 2023 at Portland Community College Cascade Campus.
This event raises money to support our youth entrepreneur and small business training programs for our NE community.
They need Volunteers, Walkers, Runners, Donors and Vendors.
Boise Parking Virtual Committee Meeting Sept 19, 6-8pm. Open to the public. Presentation on data collected from parking study.
The Salvage Showdown at the Rebuilding Center: September 21, 6-8:30pm. Join us in our celebration of creative reuse, community, & climate justice! Peruse the Builds. Chat with the Builders. Vote for those that strike your fancy. Explore the store and there’s more! Lively tunes, tasty morsels, and maybe even a libation or two. Raffle winners will be announced, the Scrappy awarded, and good times will be had by all!
Live music, food, and drink will be enjoyed 6pm-8pm and Showdown winners announced at 8:15pm. The store will remain open for the duration.
THE EVENT IS FREE FOR ALL! ($25 suggested donation)
Portland Veterans Day Parade organizers are seeking sponsors, participants (people/organizations/community groups to march in the parade), and volunteers to help on the day of the parade, November 11 at 10am.
You can find more information or sign up online at Portland Veterans Day Parade | Oregon (
8:20 - Open Comment
8:30 - Adjourn
August Recess: No Meeting
August 12, 12pm - 6pm: SEI The Homecoming @ Unthank Park. Headliner Ohio Players, venors, live music, kidzone, food trucks.
August 19, 10am - 3pm: Boise-Eliot/Humboldt Community Care Day. Lunch provided at noon. Cleanup school grounds and spreading new bark chips in the playground areas.
August 25, 6:30pm: Free For All Concert in the Park @ Unthank Park. Headliner Outer Orbit, food trucks, live music.
Boise Parking Study:
Fill out this short survey to help shape the possible parking plan coming to our neighborhood. PBOT wants to hear from you!
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:10 - Last Meeting Follow-up
Letter of recommendations for 3952 N Williams
Letter of support for 32 NE Fremont St
Update from PEMO about nuisance issues letter the BNA sent.
7:45 - New Business
Community Warehouse - local non-profit furniture bank : Caty Williams to present
8:00 - Neighborhood Notices
8:10 - Announcements
Mississippi Street Fair! July 15, 10am-10pm.
Monthly Neighborhood Cleanup: July 15, 9am - Meet at Unthank Park on the 3rd Saturday each month. We have buckets, trash bags, grabbers and gloves!
Boise Parking Virtual Committee Meeting July 18, 6-8pm. Open to the public.
North Williams District 2-mile walk begins at 10am on Saturday, July 22. Register at
Save the Date! SEI - THE HOMECOMING: August 12, 12-6PM at Unthank Park. Headliner TBD soon! Interested in being a vendor? Email:
Portland Housing Bureau's Eviction Legal Defense Program provides free legal assistance to low-income Portland renters who are facing eviction. Call 888-585-9638
8:20 - Open Comment
8:30 - Adjourn
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:10 - New Business
Elections: Anyone who lives or works in the neighborhood may participate in nominating/electing Board Member to positions.
Should the BNA join other NAs in making a flag that represents the neighborhood? How can we turn it into a contest?
Problem Solver discussion: Portland’s Public Environment Management Office, PEMO, would like to hear about chronic issues that affect our neighborhood.
Community Warehouse - local non-profit furniture bank : Caty Williams to present
8:00 - Neighborhood Notices
3936 N Williams - Accessory Dwelling Short Term Rental Application: Wine bar and two bedroom rental unit.
3952 N Williams - Bob Schatz from Allusa Architecture to present plans for new mixed use building. New 5-story building will have 30 apartments and about 900 square feet of commercial space on the ground floor. The apartments will all be studio or 1-bedroom.
32 NE Fremont St. - Works Progress Architecture - New 4 story, 23-unit multifamily building with a mix of studio, 2-bed and 3-bed units.
10 NE Cook St - Daniel Toole Architecture - New 4 story (plus mezzanine) mixed-use residential building accommodating retail and live/work at the ground level (12 units in all). Zoning is CM-2, off-street parking is not proposed.
Mr. Toole is hosting an online meeting on June 15th at 6pm.
Public notice of upcoming City Council hearing on Wednesday June 14th at 10:25am to consider the removal of Heritage Tree designation of the English elm at 4124 N. Mississippi Ave.
8:10 - Announcements
Monthly Neighborhood Cleanup: June 17, 9am - Meet at Unthank Park on the 3rd Saturday each month. We have buckets, trash bags, grabbers and gloves!
Boise Parking Virtual Committee Meeting June 20, 6-8pm. Open to the public.
Coming up in July is the North Williams District walk developed by Eliot resident and AARP Oregon Volunteer Richard Hunter. The 2-mile walk begins at 10am on Saturday, July 22. Learn about the history, preservation, and gentrified changes in this area and discover historic churches, local businesses, housing, Urban League of Portland, Dawson Park, Legacy Health, the Hill Block property, and more.
Register for the North Williams District walk and learn about other community walks at
Save the Date! SEI - THE HOMECOMING : August 12, 12-6PM at Unthank Park - Headliner TBD soon! Interested in being a vendor? Email:
ACES, American Cultural Exchange Services is looking for host families. Learn more here.
N/NE Neighborhood Walking Program OHSU - SHARP-CG: Recruiting a small group of African Americans aged 40 and older to provide care for someone with memory loss (mild cognitive impairment or mild/early-stage dementia) aged 55 and older. See full program details here.
8:20 - Open Comment
8:30 - Adjourn
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:05 - Last Meeting Follow-up
Letter was sent to multiple city officials about the derelict properties at 624-638 Beech St.
7:30 - New Business
Don Merrill - CNBSeen - Discuss hosting a car light bulb changing event to help folks avoid being pulled over for a bad light bulb. Mission is public service and social justice.
National Night Out Planning
Neighborhood Summit: In march 60+ neighborhood associations met to discuss the future of NAs, what they need and how to work better with the city and neighbors. Here are Survey Results from the round table discussions and a Summary of the Summit.
8:00 - Neighborhood Notices
No new notices
8:10 - Announcements
North Portland Aquatic Center: Take the survey by May 11 to choose the final site.
Neighborhood Alley Cleanup: Saturday, May 20. Meet @ Unthank Park, 9am. We have buckets, trash bags, grabbers and gloves!
Boise Parking Virtual Committee Meeting May 23, 6-8pm. Open to the public.
The Independent District Commission has several engagement opportunities coming up in May for you to share your input about establishing districts for Portland’s next City Commissioner election in 2024.
8:20 - Open Comment
8:30 - Adjourn
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:05 - Last Meeting Follow-up
Jamison L and Megan B - Progress report on dilapidated buildings at 638 N Beech St.
7:30 - New Business
Hand Up Project - Overview of this valuable resource in our neighborhood.
Presentation from grassroots Community Advocates to bring back School Resource Officers (SROs) to PPS schools.
8:00 - Neighborhood Notices
No new notices
8:10 - Announcements
Join us for the 6th Annual Earth Day Work-Party for Boise Eliot Native Grove!
6th Annual Earth Day Event: Sign Installation Party!
SATURDAY, APRIL 22, 2023 AT 11 AM – 3 PM
Please sign up at Solve.this event
North Portland Aquatic Center Community Workshop #3 on Thursday, April 27, 5:30-7:30 at Cesar Chavez School. The PP&R project team will share preliminary design drawings of what a future North Portland Aquatic Center would look and feel like for each of the final three sites. Learn more here.
Explore the Rose City Book & Paper Fair, June 16-17, 2023 at the Lloyd Doubletree in Portland. $5 entry fee. Learn more here.
8:20 - Open Comment
8:30 - Adjourn
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:10 - New Business
Boise Neighborhood Association has been selected to host an event in partnership with the 2023 Summer Free For All Cultural Events program. TBD in August.
Hand Up Project - Provides food and resources for disenfranchised people in Portland.
EMSWCD spring workshop season is starting next week! From Stormwater Solutions to Water Conservation, their FREE workshops help you save time, money, and energy. Attend any or all webinars from the comfort of your own home.
2023 Neighborhood Association Summit Recap
8:00 - Neighborhood Notices
No new notices.
8:10 - Announcements
Native Plants for the Planet + Proceeds for the Planet! Shop, save money, and support conservation groups in your community. Online shopping for @Sparrowhawk Native Plants starts on Sunday, Feb 26 at 9am! Learn more at
8:20 - Open Comment
8:30 - Adjourn
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:10 - New Business
Kathryn Doherty-Chapman - PBOT is accepting applications to join the Boise Neighborhood Parking Plan Stakeholder Advisory Committee ready to launch. Applications are due Feb. 28th and they plan to start meeting in April.
Morgan Towle - Neighbors for Clean Air (NCA) to talk about what they do and listen to air quality concerns our neighbors may have.
They are pursuing policies that will reduce diesel, protect communities that are already overburdened by bad air and support companies as they transition to cleaner engines.
Greg Bouget - Cascadia Action. Needs volunteers to sample the neighborhood for diesel pollution. Discuss the I-5 expansion and the worst diesel fleets.
Discuss the Community Service Rewards Program to incentivize volunteer work in the neighborhood and other ways to say thank you to our community.
Neighbor discussion about creating a park on the triangular piece of land at Fremont and Missouri.
Ted - Update on Fremont/Kerby ramp reclaiming the land project.
Works Progress Architecture (WPA) presented plans Jan 25, for a new residential building at 1017 N Revere St. called Shortstack. Click here for a summary of the presentation. The project includes construction of a new 30,000 sf, 4-story residential development, consisting of 36 units. With a goal to increase missing middle housing, a combination of 1-bed, 2-bed and 3-bed dwellings will be provided, as well as a targeted mix of MFI affordability.
8:00 - Neighborhood Notices
No new notices
8:00 - Announcements
Portland Winter Light Festival is happening now, Feb 3-11. Check out the installations on Mississippi Ave at Gifty Kitty and Sunlan Lighting.
Portland Parks & Recreation would like community members to fill out the North Portland Aquatic Center Community Workshop #2 Survey to help pick the location between 5 different North Portland parks. Click on link for info about the program, presentation and survey. Survey responses are needed by Sunday, Feb. 12 at midnight.
Public voting on the North Portland Library interior concept has begun. Vote for your favorite interior design (one question!) by Feb 13. The voting will be available both in-person at North Portland and Albina as well as online on the website.
Feb 20, 10am-2pm - Come to Boise Eliot Native Grove and help tidy up our tiny plot of land. We'll be pruning, refreshing paths with wood chips, planting and transplanting. Wear weather-appropriate clothing, masks, gloves, boots, and bring any hand tools that you prefer to use. We'll provide larger tools like shovels, rakes and wheel barrows.
Advanced registration through SOLVE required. Sign up here.
The Misti Krewe of Nimbus (MKON) invites you and all Boise neighbors to come to the Portland Mardi Gras Parade on February 21, 2023, 7pm starting near Victoria Bar on Albina/Humboldt..
Marching Groups Wanted: Sign up here.
Volunteer Interest: We also welcome volunteers to help with staging during line up. To volunteer, email Kathy Kennedy.
Word is Bond is excited to be hosting our second annual In My Shoes walking tours in celebration of Black History Month. Each tour is an opportunity to listen to the voices of local young Black men about their personal narratives, and visions for the city, and learn about local Black history.
Feb 25 1:30 & 3pm tour starts at Unthank Park. The cost is on a sliding scale and you must sign up in advance.
Community members can sign up for any one of our sixteen tour offerings here.
8:25 - Open Comment
8:30 - Adjourn
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:05 - Last Meeting Follow-up
Reports from Ted Buehler:
Crime report
Letter re: non-compliance for windows on new developments
Talk to Nina Pavlich re: Skidmore & Borthwick traffic safety, approaching PBOT about possible Stop sign, No Parking near corners
7:30 - New Business
Alan Ludwick’s grant proposal letter of support. Alan Ludwick, Eliot NA, is trying to change and shorten the Kerby Street ramps, is trying to get a grant to study the proposal with a PSU grad student.
Sean Micken - A new no cost state program, the Oregon Community Solar Program (, now gives homeowners and renters the option to source energy from small solar farms throughout Oregon on their existing utility bill and at a discount. The program was created to "make solar energy available to customers across the state who previously did not have access” by connecting PGE and Pacific Power customers to solar energy projects without having to install panels on their own roofs.
New year, new you! Come join the board and be a part of change in our neighborhood. We have several open At Large board positions as well as the Chair position. You don’t have to be on the board to volunteer. Check out our open positions here.
Jen Stack is looking for a partner to start organizing regular neighborhood cleanups, poster removal, graffiti, etc. We have the supplies, now we need the volunteers. Email:
8:15 - Neighborhood Notices
No new notices.
8:15 - Announcements
Works Progress Architecture is presenting plans Jan 25, 6-7pm (virtual), for a new residential building at 1017 N Revere St. The project includes construction of a new 30,000 sf, 4-story residential development, consisting of 36 units. With a goal to increase missing middle housing, a combination of 1-bed, 2-bed and 3-bed dwellings will be provided, as well as a targeted mix of MFI affordability. Click here for details on how to attend.
8:20 - Open Comment
8:30 - Adjourn
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:05 - Last Meeting Follow-up
Reports from Ted Buehler:
Crime report
Letter re: non-compliance for windows on new developments
7:30 - New Business
Howard Patterson is stepping down as Co-Chair, due to health considerations, effective immediately after this meeting, but intends to continue as a Board Member at Large.
A. Ted Buehler is current co-chair
B. Volunteers are encouraged to consider becoming co-chair, so as not to leave Ted holding the Chairpersonship alone.
8:00 - Neighborhood Notices
8:10 - Announcements
Starting November 14th, the Aerospace Training Center (ATC) will be offering FREE after school programs for students ages 11-14, Monday through Friday 3:00pm to 6:00pm during the school year. One time registration required: Register here. More info here.
Boise Eliot Native Grove opened a new little library. Give a book take a book!
Portland Parks & Recreation (PP&R) is hosting Community Workshop #1 for the North Portland Aquatic Center project on Saturday, December 10, 2022, at Charles Jordan Community Center from 10:00am - 2:00pm.
Small Shops, Big Hearts game ends Dec 11, don’t forget to play by supporting local small shops to get a chance to win great prizes from local shops!
Boys & Girls Aid, a nonprofit founded in Portland in 1885, is looking for compassionate people to help improve the lives of children in foster care.
To learn more, visit our website:, or contact Outreach & Certification Coordinator Hallie Campbell at 503-544-7003 or
Oregon Community Solar Program coming to Boise. Residents can source their electricity from small solar farms at a discount: 5% guaranteed, low-to-moderate-income residents will save 40% on their power bill. It costs nothing to subscribe, participate, or cancel. More info at their website,
Portland Housing Bureau is proposing a Housing Opportunity Limited Tax Exemption (HOLTE) sales price cap of $455,000, in an attempt to make home buying more affordable for middle income purchasers. The resolution is here: . It will be discussed at City Council next Wednesday December 14: agenda is here:
8:20 - Open Comment
8:30 - Adjourn
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
7:00 - Welcome & Introductions
7:05 - Last Meeting Follow-up
Ted B - Boise Crime Report Update
Ted B - Discuss 18-in setbacks proposed for apartment building at Failing and Vancouver. The setbacks don't comply with City code.
Jen S - Connecting members of Adopt One Block team in Boise so we can all communicate with each other. Please connect with us here if you are already a Block Ambassador. If you’d like to become a Block Ambassador, register here and then connect with us (above).
7:30 - New Business
Updates on the Boise Neighborhood Parking Management Plan from PBOT - Kathryn Doherty-Chapman
Interstate Bridge Replacement project presentation
Looking to reactivate the neighborhood committees. Over the pandemic, everything was paused but is starting up again. Check out our Volunteer page on the recently redesigned BNA website to see our open positions.
Williams District/Venture Portland liaison - Ullika Pankrat: Connect with BNA and update us on Williams Ave Holiday plans.
8:15 - Neighborhood Notices
No new notices.
8:15 - Announcements
Leaf Days for Boise are Nov 16 for zone NE2 and Nov 30 for zone N8. Get all the details on how to prepare for Leaf Day here.
Registration is now open (Dec 7) for two free, community-centered college courses, offered by Oregon Humanities' Humanity in Perspective (HIP) program. HIP provides opportunities for Oregon adults to earn transferable college credits from Bard College while participating in a dynamic and supportive learning community.
Find more information and register online at
Rose City Self-Defense class is a free course designed to help people identify their risks, evaluate their strengths and explore their options for dealing with the threat of violence. Classes in Nov in SW, and Dec 3, 10, 17 at Matt Dishman. Click here to register.