What is the Boise Neighborhood association?
The BNA is a place where neighbors can organize to address important issues within our neighborhood and create a sense of community and belonging.
who we are
Everyone who lives or works in the Boise neighborhood is a member of the Association. Members are able to be elected to the board after attending two meetings within a year. BNA board members can vote on issues brought up at meetings.
what we do
At meetings, association and board members discuss neighborhood issues and decide how to act in a way that represents the association. Sometimes they form committees to work on a particular issue, such as affordable housing, parking, or beautification. Sometimes they vote to write a letter of support or dissent on an issue or for a certain organization.
what you can do
Being on the board is just one way to serve in your community. Anyone can work on a project, volunteer, or start a committee. Anyone can organize a volunteer event or throw a block party. The board can choose to endorse or support a neighborhood member’s project, committee, or event by voting at a neighborhood meeting.
Bylaws - updated May 2016
Value Statement - adopted May 2016
Value Statement - Dec 2020