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BNA General/LUTC Meeting


7:00 - Welcome & Introductions

7:05 - Last Meeting Follow-up

  1. HMBA/WVBA/BNA collaboration safety update

  2. 624-638 N Beech St update - Properties were removed from city foreclosure list

7:30 - New Business

  1. Hannah Morrison - PBOT to present EV Charging in the Public Right-of-Way 

  2. Tiffany Mancillas - East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District’s free fall nature workshop series are here! They offer free workshops ranging from Creating an Edible Landscape to Water Conservation. More information and sign-up:

  3. David Burnell - Candidate for Portland City Council

  4. Office of Civic Life / Proposed New Organization Structure. This new chart is a draft and is subject to change.

8:00 - Neighborhood Notices

  1.  731 753 N Russel St: Notice of Demolition

8:10 - Announcements

  1. Oct 8, 12-3pm: Join the Boise Eliot Native Grove Fall Clean-Up Work Party to do basic maintenance, tidy up loose ends, litter patrol, cover up some graffiti and generally make it ready for the winter. If you can make it out, we'd love to see you. You can register here at Solve.

  2. Oct 17, 5:30-7:30pm: Boise Parking Committee Meeting. Meetings are open to the public. This meeting we will meet in person and walk the neighborhood to look at congested areas. Meet at The Rebuilding Center Offices. 

  3. October 21, 9am: Monthly Neighborhood cleanup! Meet at Unthank Park. We have buckets, trash bags, grabbers and gloves!

  4. Nov 11, 10am: Portland Veterans Day Parade organizers are seeking sponsors, participants (people/organizations/community groups to march in the parade), and volunteers to help on the day of the parade. You can find more  information or sign up online at Portland Veterans Day Parade | Oregon (

8:20 - Open Comment

8:30 - Adjourn

Earlier Event: September 11
BNA General/LUTC Meeting
Later Event: November 13
BNA General/LUTC Meeting