BNA meetings are every 2nd Monday of the month, from 7-9 pm.

Upcoming Virtual Meetings: November 8, 2021, December 13, 2021

Agendas are posted one week before each meeting.

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 850 3890 1906

Passcode: 634163

If Zoom doesn’t work for you, call: 1-669-900-9128

latest meeting agenda

Monday, October 11, 2021 from 7-9 pm
- All are welcome! -

Welcome and Introductions


  1. Equitable Giving Circle - AJ McCreary


  3. Cleaner Air Portland update virtual meeting - Tuesday 26 October 6-8 pm Zoom

  4. Mississippi Trash Cans - response from Quintin Bauer, Public Trash Collection Program Manager, BPS

  5. Solar Oregon Net Zero Tour

  6. Contacting the City - noise issues

  7. PBOT - Adopt a Storm Drain

  8. Communications accounts, updating account owners

  9. Sidewalk graffiti - Ted Buehler

  10. Boise Eliot Native Grove

  11. Neighborhood notices

    a. 341 N Ivy, Opus 479 - Info transmitted

  12. Board Election

  13. New Business

  14. Open Remarks

  15. Conclusion