WHO: Pee Stick, LLC
WHAT: Feature Film
WHERE: 3811 N Mississippi Ave, Portland, OR 97227
FILMING ACTIVITY DATE: Tues, May 7th, Wed May 8th, and Wed May 15th 2024
EXPECTED TIME(S): Date:May 7th, 2024 : Time: 7:30am - 7:30pm
May 8th and 15th 8am - 8pm
Please note: Dates and times are best estimates and subject to change due to the many variables
inherent in the filming process. The production will do its best to give notice of changes, should
any occur.
DESCRIPTION OF PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES (Production crew, actors, vehicles and equipment will
be in and around the location):
• WEST side of N Mississippi Ave, 65ft in front of Pistils Nursery
• NORTH and SOUTH sides of N Failing St between N Michigan Ave and N Mississippi Ave
• EAST and WEST sides of N Michigan Ave, 80ft going south from N Failing St
• No traffic interruptions
• Low volume generators, hydraulic lifts, and loading and unloading of work trucks.
Thank you for sharing your neighborhood with us during this on-location film shoot. Our crew will do our
best to minimize any disruption or inconvenience to you. Your cooperation contributes to the successful
growth of the Portland film & television industry, which generates jobs, supports local business and brings
revenue to our local economy.
This production has coordinated with the Portland Film Office to obtain permits and permissions for this
shoot. The Portland Film Office is a collaborative effort between the Mayor’s Office, Prosper Portland and
Portland City Bureaus. More information on this office can be found here: www.portlandfilmoffice.com
If you have questions or concerns about filming activities, please call us as soon as you receive this
notice at the numbers listed below and we will make every effort to accommodate you. Thank you!
Location Manager: Erika Suchecki | 503-887-8701 | erika.suchecki@gmail.com
Key Asst. Location Manager: Shanna Vincent | 503-201-6720 | shannavincent12@gmail.com
If you have any questions or concerns after speaking with us, you may call the Portland Film Office at