North Williams District
Hey neighbors! Do you know about AARP Oregon NeighborWalks? NeighborWalks is a collaborative community walking program brought to you by AARP Oregon, City of Portland Bureau of Transportation and Oregon Walks. The vision is to get more people walking every day for health, transportation, environment, and community. Walks take place in the Portland area. Each walk is approximately two hours long and developed and led by AARP volunteer leaders with support from community partners. You can join these intergenerational walks as we celebrate a community for all ages and abilities!
Coming up in July is the North Williams District walk developed by Eliot resident and AARP Oregon Volunteer Richard Hunter. The 2-mile walk begins at 10am on Saturday, July 22. Learn about the history, preservation, and gentrified changes in this area and discover historic churches, local businesses, housing, Urban League of Portland, Dawson Park, Legacy Health, the Hill Block property, and more.
Register for the North Williams District walk and learn about other community walks at
NEW IN 2023! You must register for each walk. After registering, you’ll receive information regarding where we will meet and other details about the walk.