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Submit Testimony Or Write Your Rep Before The Vote On Feb 15 For Diesel RegulationsFor Cleaner Air

Neighbors For Clean Air are asking for support.

This Wednesday, February 15th, the Oregon State Legislature will hold a hearing on HB 2396 which would initiate regulations on diesel emission hotspots, particularly construction sites and distribution centers. Given that Multnomah County is in the bottom 2% of all counties nationwide for diesel pollution, this change is long past-due.

The potential for better air with this bill is huge. It could:

  • Reduce the risk of the three leading causes of death in Multnomah County (cancer, heart disease and respiratory illness).

  • Improve the lives of our most vulnerable neighbors given that diesel emissions are higher in BIPOC and low income neighborhoods.

  • Save billions every year in health care costs and lost work days.

  • Protect those working in construction and save their employers on health care and absenteeism costs.

  • Reduce one of Oregon’s leading contributions to climate change. 

Now, what can you do?

You can submit testimony for HB 2396 -- go here.

You can email your local representative and senator to ask them to support HB 2396. To find your elected leader and their contact info, type your full address in here.

Tips for emails and testimony:

  • Include a personal story. Do you live, work, learn or pray near construction activity? Do you have health concerns? Are you concerned about climate change? Please be sure you are comfortable with this information being public.

  • Share your sense of urgency -- after years of inaction, our leaders need to secure a better future for us all.

  • Ask them to take a leadership role in supporting the bill.

  • Share the information bulleted above.

  • Request a reply.