We need volunteers to make this event happen. Help us do this, volunteer!



Neighborhood Emergency Teams (NETs) are Portland residents trained by PBEM and Portland Fire & Rescue to provide emergency disaster assistance within their own neighborhoods. NET members are trained to save lives and property until professional responders can arrive. These volunteers are specially trained to help others without putting themselves in harm’s way. NET members are:

  1. Prepared to be self-sufficient for two weeks during any emergency.

  2. Able to provide emergency assistance to their family and immediate neighbors.

  3. Able to work within an emergency response team to save lives and property in their neighborhood.

  4. Able to guide untrained volunteers who want to help others during a disaster.


  • FREE training that will provide you with the core skills you need in order to respond safely and effectively in a major disaster.

  • An introduction to a network of neighbors, emergency response professionals, and other community leaders concerned with preparing for a major disaster.

  • After completing basic training, access to advanced training opportunities, exercises, and classes such as CPR/AED certification, Mental Health First Aid, De-escalation Training, Wilderness First Aid, HAZMAT awareness, radio comms training, and much more.

Apply here to for FREE training. Highly recommended!

BEH Neighborhood emergency team (net)

Find all our documents, resources and meeting minutes for the Boise/Eliot/Humboldt neighborhoods at PORTLAND PREPARES.

Planning ahead can help you and your family stay safe in an emergency. Here are a few steps you can take to get ready:

1) Develop a family communication plan
2) Make an emergency supply kit
3) Sign up for local emergency alerts and/or get a smartphone app to stay informed
4) Learn where your home utilities (water, electricity, gas) are located and how to shut them off