BNA meetings are every 2nd Monday of the month, from 7-9 pm. During COVID-19, we will be meeting via Zoom.

Upcoming Meetings: Nov 8, Dec 13

Zoom Meeting Link:

Meeting ID: 850 3890 1906

Passcode: 634163

If Zoom doesn’t work for you, call: 1-669-900-9128

Monday, September 13th from 7-9 pm
- All are welcome! -

Welcome and Introductions


  1. Equitable Giving Circle - AJ McCreary


  3. Cleaner Air Portland update virtual meeting - Tuesday 26 October 6-8 pm Zoom

  4. Mississippi Trash Cans - response from Quintin Bauer, Public Trash Collection Program Manager, BPS

  5. Solar Oregon Net Zero Tour

  6. Contacting the City - noise issues

  7. PBOT - Adopt a Storm Drain

  8. Communications accounts, updating account owners

  9. Sidewalk graffiti - Ted Buehler

  10. Boise Eliot Native Grove

  11. Neighborhood notices

    a. 341 N Ivy, Opus 479 - Info transmitted

  12. Board Election

  13. New Business

  14. Open Remarks

  15. Conclusion

Skidmore and N Michigan Natural Community Garden.

The Mississippi Commons Condos HOA is raising money to create a Natural Community Garden. They have received a permit from ODOT to utilize and maintain a strip of land located on the corner of N Skidmore St and N Michigan Ave. Currently the land is underutilized and not officially maintained. They plan to create a natural community garden complete with native plants, berry bushes, and open green space. Their hope is that this underutilized space can be revitalized and enjoyed by our fellow community members.

If you wish to help their cause, DONATE here:

We always say “All are welcome”.

What does that really mean?

The BNA has adopted a Values Statement. We don’t stop participation at meeting attendance. Reach out to us through email, or interact with us and your community on social media (Facebook page, Nextdoor). Sign up for our monthly newsletter. Or just self-organize and build community however you want, but let us know if you want help!