VOA Oregon Community Changemakers: A Virtual Celebration

Join VOA for our free virtual celebration on September 15, from 7 pm-7:30 pm either live on KGW Channel 8 or via live streaming at www.kgw.com/watch. Volunteers of America Oregon Community Changemakers highlights our forward-movement and continued steadfast commitment to the residents of Oregon. We look forward to celebrating positive change in our community with you! Proceeds from the event further VOA Oregon’s mission to enhance lives by promoting self-determination, building strong communities, and standing for social justice. To RSVP (for free), donate, sponsor, or learn more, visit www.voaor.org/changemakers.

Email address for more information (if required): information@voaor.org

Volunteers of America Oregon, a Portland nonprofit providing a range of therapeutic, trauma-informed, and supportive services to empower populations to implement changes and thrive. They specialize in family safety, substance use, behavioral health, and reentry from the criminal justice system.